
The 体育心脏病学 Clinic offers comprehensive cardiovascular care and testing for athletes and highly active individuals.

Our services are appropriate if you are a healthy individual, or if you have established or suspected cardiovascular disease. We work seamlessly with your referring physician, 运动医学医师, 教练, 培训师要防止, 评估, 治疗心脏病.

Our clinic provides pre-participation screening and expert cardiology care for individuals of all athletic abilities and aspirations, whether you are a recreational athlete or an elite competitor. We also see athletes or active individuals seeking second opinions. We work with you and your primary doctor to develop a coordinated diagnostic and treatment strategy.

Evaluation for sports eligibility or return to play

Many high school and collegiate sports programs require cardiac screening and consultation prior to participation. These evaluations are designed to identify those athletes with pre-existing heart conditions and prevent them from experiencing cardiac events or sudden death before, 运动期间或运动后.

Download our Sudden Death in Athletes brochure (PDF)

Our clinic performs athletic pre-participation screening for individuals at all levels of participation. Screening begins with a detailed medical history and physical exam. 先进的诊断技术, 比如超声心动图, 心肺和运动压力, cardiac MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or CT (computerized tomography) scan, and genetic testing are incorporated as necessary.

Available screening for major abnormalities

  • Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
  • 冠状动脉异常
  • 心脏瓣膜疾病
  • 肥厚性心肌病
  • 遗传性心律失常


When should I see a sports cardiologist?

You should see a sports cardiologist when you want:

  • Pre-participation screening for a sport, especially for high school, college, or master athletes
  • Clearance to resume sports participation after a cardiac event or cardiovascular surgery
  • Comprehensive cardiovascular screening
  • Evaluation of symptoms such as chest pain, 心慌, or shortness of breath during training or competition
  • Evaluation of sudden or unexplained deterioration in athletic performance
  • 不明原因疲劳评估
  • Evaluation of impaired athletic performance after medical treatment
  • Evaluation of genetic and/or familial risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Advice about controlling cardiovascular disease
  • Counseling and advice on cardiovascular health and cardiac risk reduction
  • A deeper level of understanding about your heart

What are the current screening recommendations for young athletes?

The American 心 Association and the American College of Cardiology recommend a 14-item screening checklist. The checklist includes questions about personal and family history, 还有身体检查, designed to uncover aspects of your health that might signal a cardiovascular problem.

Screening will usually begin with questions about your family health history, as well as any symptoms you experience during exercise.

The required physical exam includes a measurement of blood pressure and a careful examination of your heart. If there are no warning signs reported on the health history, and no abnormalities discovered during the exam, no further evaluation or testing may be recommended.

Are there other options available to screen for cardiac conditions?

Technology-based screening programs include a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) and echocardiogram (ECHO). These are noninvasive and painless options that parents may consider in addition to the required pre-participation physical examination (PPE).

这些程序可能很昂贵, 然而, and are not currently advised by the American 心 Association and the American College of Cardiology unless the PPE reveals an indication that these tests are necessary. 研究 is ongoing to determine if other technology-based assessments can help identify athletes at risk and reduce the rate of sudden cardiac death.